Monday, March 28, 2005

The Dutch Connection First Anniversary

Wow...We celebrated our 1st anniversary together. Hard to believe that only one year ago, we were all just getting to know one another.

Cheers to all 226 members around the world. Special thanks to the founders group here in Nederland for believing that each of us really could enhance our individual self by combining our talents.

The New Milenium business model - mobilizing communities. Science, creativity & media - real stories in context.

Crazy crew! Photo of Gil & Manja at Brix Restaurant in Amsterdam.

Interviewing Joi Ito for 2020

Joi Ito In Colby's Studio, originally uploaded by Jonathan Marks.

On Saturday March 19th, Jonathan Marks, Colby Stuart & Seird Loman interviewed and filmed Joi Ito regarding his thoughts about his preferred future at the end of the Creative Capital Conference.

This interview will become part of the library of interviews we're assembling for the launch of a new program. Curious?

What is the future you prefer in 2020?

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Haloscan commenting and trackback have been added to this blog.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Recycling knowledge is innovative too

One of my main online activities is selling other peoples products. In order to find clients, I (a.o.) use Google Adwords. I consider Google Adwords to be a great and very affordable way to find very targeted and interested traffic. Lots of people are making a little money this way.

I started doing this in september 2003 and in time I've grown to be a substantial Google advertiser (I can *call* them in stead of having to mail them for support).

I was doing fine, until I recently found a way to literally DOUBLE my profits in two months time... and my profits haven't dropped since.

All it took was applying some "recycled knowledge", by using some "old" engineering techniques to scientifically test and optimize my Adwords campaigns!

These testing techniques are really old... but the idea to use them within Adwords campaigns, THAT's cool!

That's recycling knowledge... and it can be *very* innovative!

The Debate is in Full Swing

Michael and James discuss and debate Posted by Hello

Have you ever noticed that when you're inspired by someone or something that the world comes alive? All your senses spring to life. Suddenly, you see things differently. The rapport builds as the conversation flies back and forth. Ideas grow and change, blooming into delightful gardens for everyone to see.

Sign of the Times

Great things are happening this space Posted by Hello

The Meaning of Innovation

The hot concept today is innovation. What does that really mean? What is innovation? A process? A product? A channel? A mindset? A behavior? When does that light bulb actually blink with an idea that will create real change, improve life, make something better?

What we are seeing in many countries is that innovation has different networks of meaning, depending on the culture of the company, the people, and the space that gets created for experimentation.

Innovation requires experimentation. Experimentation means that some things will work, and some things won't. We will learn from our our mistakes. Experientation is a path to innovation. Airplanes fly because we learned why they crash.

If we must innovate in a culture that shackles our experiments because of fear of failing, what happens to innovation?